Bloomsday στη Λεμεσό Πέμπτη, 15 Ιουνίου, 20:30 Δημοτική Πανεπιστημιακή Βιβλιοθήκη Λεμεσού Καραϊσκάκη και Αγίου Ανδρέου 269 [English] The Embassy of Ireland in Cyprus, in collaboration with Ideogramma, is proud to announce the 2nd Cyprus Bloomsday Festival, which will take place from 14 June to 16 June around Cyprus. Bloomsday is an annual celebration of the life of one of Ireland’s most prolific writers, James Joyce. The celebrations are named after Leopold Bloom, the main protagonist of Joyce’s novel “Ulysses”, and take place on 16 June, the same day in which the novel is set in 1904. Ulysses, as described by Joyce, is "a book from eighteen different angles and in an equal number of styles, which apparently my colleagues of literature neither know nor have discovered". These eighteen angles are set together, each with a different style and technical narrative, and depict the story of a single day in Dublin, 16 June 1904, hereinafter known as Bloomsday. “Ulysses” is not just...
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